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essential-thanksgiving-1384202363516-thumbWide-v2  Thanksgiving Day, à la Française


PARIS — Ask long-timers at the American School of Paris how to do Thanksgiving dinner, and you’re likely to be told the tale of the gourmet turkey.

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A Young Activist

At 26, Mr. de Blasio went to Nicaragua to help distribute food and medicine in the middle of a war between left and right. But he returned with something else entirely: a vision of the possibilities of an unfettered leftist government. As a fresh-faced idealist who opposed foreign wars, missile defense systems and apartheid in the late 1980s and early 1990s, his time as a young activist was more influential in shaping his ideology than previously known, and far more political than typical humanitarian work.



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New York saw its first snow of the season on Tuesday morning, as small flakes fluttered from the sky during the morning commute. There was no accumulation, and temperate sidewalks and above-freezing air temperatures quickly turned the flakes into a mere memory. Fortunately, our photographers were quick to the draw.


南臺灣的某都會區是賣冰賣到嚇嚇叫 (昨天看電視說台南市還有人排隊買好吃冰淇淋)

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  • Nov 07 Thu 2013 13:44
  • $8.85


Walmart has said that it has resolved an issue that was causing an online frenzy among shoppers. An apparent glitch on the company's website early this morning led to $8.85 listings for items that included computer monitors and projectors normally worth hundreds of dollars.

The country's largest retailer was selling a 24-inch high-definition Viewsonic computer monitor, an InFocus IN2124 Projector digital projectors and other products, many for $8.85. The projector is listed for $578.89 on Walmart.com and $579.99 on Newegg.com.

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 New Mayor, Whoever He Is, Will Most Likely Be Friendlier to Religious Groups

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Halloween Parade


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 source: http://www.marthastewart.com/274996/halloween-treat-bags-and-favors/@center/276965/halloween

glowing-ghosts-1010sip090_vert  a100281_hal04_crackers_vert  msl_oct06_kcraft_monster_ht_xl  


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Gettysburg National Park Grants KKK Event Permit

GETTYSBURG, Pa. September 27, 2013 (AP)

The Ku Klux Klan has been granted a permit to hold an event at Gettysburg National Military Park.

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Michelle Obama: Harlem Is a Cultural Gem

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NYC's Bloomberg Launches European City Contest

NEW YORK September 24, 2013 (AP)

By JENNIFER PELTZ Associated Press

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  • Sep 23 Mon 2013 03:51
  • 6毛

Survey: US Gas Prices Drop 6 Cents a Gallon

CAMARILLO, Calif. September 23, 2013 (AP)

The average price of regular gasoline in the U.S. has dropped 6 cents a gallon during the past two weeks.

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拿槍掃射, 自己被警方當場擊斃


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