

紐約市市長官邸開放供人參觀, 視野好,可以看東河, (UN 一樣)

以往都是關蚊子, 因為前市長家住好宰


(沒錯, 老百姓花錢, 總要看看錢在哪裡

這比陽光法案更陽光!OPENHOUSE-ss-slide-9CZD-articleLarge  )

Gracie Mansion, the buttercream-hued mayoral residence on a bluff overlooking the East River, has stood stately but mostly silent for more than 12 years, its elegant interiors reserved for the formal functions of a mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg, who chose to live elsewhere.


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That quiet was replaced by a hubbub on Sunday, as thousands of New Yorkers lined up for hours for a tour of the mansion and a meet-and-greet with its new, somewhat reluctant resident, Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Propelled by a populist message into City Hall, Mr. de Blasio has taken pains to project a theme of inclusiveness in his early days in office, and Sunday’s open house, with some tickets distributed by lottery, was intended as the culmination of his inaugural itinerary.


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