
How Los Angeles Is Surviving California’s Drought

Policy reforms instituted years ago are paying dividends in an otherwise parched state

A car sits in dried and cracked earth of what was the bottom of the Almaden Reservoir on Jan. 28, 2014 in San Jose, Calif.
Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

A car sits in dried and cracked earth of what was the bottom of the Almaden Reservoir on Jan. 28, 2014 in San Jose, Calif.

 My two-adult, one-toddler family uses about 140 gallons of water per day, according to our most recent bill from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. That might sound like a lot, but our usage is significantly below the average consumed by U.S. households our size.

It’s no accident. In recent decades, thanks largely to rebate programs, the residents and businesses of Southern California have made enormous strides in reducing their water consumption to levels unmatched in other parts of the state. The efforts—along with increased reservoir storage capacity in the region—have been so successful that this year, while California is in the midst of a severe drought, there are no plans to ration water in arid Southern California.

英國水患很糟! 美國東部受雪害, 美國
西部卻是缺水, 加州的水源有一部分是靠右邊山脈的雪源
如果沒有夏足夠的雪, 當夏季來臨時,困難也隨之而來
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