有位太太與先生很苦惱, 他們家樓下的鄰居說, 他們(2F)
手機無法充電都是樓上的人干擾, 很生氣, 所常常到他家(3F)
門口前抗議( 踢門, 叫囂, 敲打)等,
這麼說蘋果也不厲害啊! 我們台灣隨便(3F)人都可以無線手機充電
還可以遙控電源走向, 以干擾他人充電?
話說蘋果的最新手表發法, 這款的手表示無法無線充電
所謂無線的意思是: 不需要有一條線連結到電源的,
這是傳統的想法, 實際上充電有線無線不是重電, 而是
充電的方式設計, 只要是靠近或接觸到電源就可以充電的話
那手錶也不需要脫下來, 只要擺放在電源附近即可,
那麼手錶的形狀就不受傳同的樣式束腹,,,,(這才叫科技先進! 這是我說的)
One issue is that there’s some confusion about what “wireless” charging means. The Apple Watch uses magnetic induction charging, which is the same technology that early reports said it would use. Technically, this means no electric wire connects the watch to the charger. Instead, an electric current is passed between a set of magnetic coils in the charging plate and the watch.
Induction charging is often referred to as “wireless” charging, and other wireless charging technologies, like the Qi charging system used by a variety of devices that feature wireless charging, use this same technology. Those devices use a kind of charging plate or mat; you place your phone on the mat and it begins to charge.