
Amsterdam Has a Deal for Alcoholics: Work Paid in Beer

Jasper Juinen for The New York Times

A group of alcoholics in Amsterdam are given beer during breaks from their street-cleaning job.


富萊德十年前 因工作背部受傷後他失去了工作,接著沈淪於酒精


Jasper Juinen for The New York Times

Fred Schiphorst, 60, at left, making his rounds last week. “I’m not proud of being an alcoholic, but I am proud to have a job again.” Mr. Schiphorst used to be a construction worker.

“You have to look sharp,” said Mr. Schiphorst, 60, a former construction worker.
我部會因我酗酒感到驕傲,但我會因有一份工作而有了自尊,我一定要認真, 好好的保住這份工作

His workday begins unfailingly at 9 a.m. — with two cans of beer, a down payment on a salary paid mostly in alcohol. He gets two more cans at lunch and then another can or, if all goes smoothly, two to round off a productive day.

他九點上班時就可領到2罐啤酒,中午再拿到2罐, 如果作得順手,下班時還可在拿到2罐.


“I’m not proud of being an alcoholic, but I am proud to have a job again,” said Mr. Schiphorst, the grateful beneficiary of an unusual government-funded program to lure alcoholics off the streets by paying them in beer to pick up trash.

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