
作者認為grown up 2沒有劇情就是沒有劇情...,(亞當山得樂,除了早期的婚禮歌手還不錯外,後來幾部就不好笑..個人想法)


醉後大丈夫3,宿主(the host), big wedding, OZ 作者都認為十大爛片

片中的大卡斯有可能是造成片子的缺失, 就是中文說的三個和尚沒水吃.

有些沒看過, 看完這篇評論,心想那我該看看沒看過的,是否真的是爛? 有時候評論者的眼光不一定準確,

而且國情不同,有時候在國內(美國)賣作不好, 國際賣坐下下叫, 想了後, 忽然想起: 如此不就中計了?


is no plot. I don’t mean there isn’t much of a plot. I mean there is no plot. Just four repulsive guys (Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, David Spade and Kevin James) wandering around their hometown confronting the big themes of life: Urination, Defecation, Drooling, Bad Things Happening to Their Scrotums. Misogynistic, homophobic and sloppy, Grown Ups 2 is essentially a walk down a junior-high school hallway, except for the presence of various lovely women (Salma Hayek, Maya Rudolph, Maria Bello) who we’re expected to believe actually married these guys. There are people who will argue that 12 Years a Slave is the most depressing movie of the year. Enduring Grown Ups 2 threw me into a much deeper funk

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