目前分類:On earth (11)

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creaturecast-pyrosome-videoSixteenByNine1050  Fiery Bodies Under the Waves



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  • Mar 25 Tue 2014 11:56
  • 8-1=7

G7 Leaders Discuss Ukraine Crisis

.Leaders of the so-called Group of Eight announced on Monday they would cancel their planned June meeting in Sochi, Russia, and suspend their participation in the international group, following Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine and threats toward eastern Ukraine

The smaller group announced its plans in a joint statement after meeting in The Netherlands. Instead, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States will meet with European Union leaders in Brussels as the G7, in the latest blow to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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  • Mar 07 Fri 2014 12:52
  • Liar?

Two people want to sell you something. One of them is lying.

The first tells you calmly, “I promise you’re going to love this.”

The second is much more animated. He exclaims: “You’re going to [bleeping] love this. It’s [bleeping] amazing, totally unbelievable, [bleeping] going to blow you away. Everybody loves it. You’re going to love it, too.”

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幾件提醒你: 為何那個沒穿衣服的小調皮

邱匹特老是不給你愛神的箭? (不準不要錢?)

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On Super Bowl Sunday, Pop superstar Bruno Mars will be on stage in front of an audience likely to top 100 million. But he won’t make a dime for his performance.

 超級盃中場Bruno Mars的表演共12分鐘

可是一毛錢也沒給, 唱免錢的嗎?

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Happy New Year!

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強烈寒流襲台 宜桃竹投紛降雪

新頭殼newtalk2013.12.27 謝莉慧/綜合報導

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2013-hm-gibson-1-blowfly-proboscis2013-hm-barros-mouse-cereb-cortex2013-hm-ray-chick-embryonic-kidney2013-hm-barros-mouse-cereb-cortex  The universe’s wonders are all around us — you just have to look close enough.

Every year, the Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition asks microscope-wielding photographers the world over to send their most magnificent imagery of the magnified world. The result? Beautiful colors, unusual textures and unique patterns visible only under scientific instruments.

This year, more than 2,100 still images and movies were submitted from artists in 71 different countries—the largest field of competing countries  in the contest’s 10-year history. The images collected in the above gallery represent the 10 winners, plus 10 more honorable mentions.

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Amsterdam Has a Deal for Alcoholics: Work Paid in Beer

Jasper Juinen for The New York Times

A group of alcoholics in Amsterdam are given beer during breaks from their street-cleaning job.

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28suitcase-articleLarge  Moscow Says Louis Vuitton Doesn’t Go With Red Square

MOSCOW — If Lenin were alive today, instead of spinning in his mausoleum

nearby, he no doubt would be aghast at the two-story replica of a Louis Vuitton

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